I want you to imagine that you check in to a nice hotel. You’ve had a good day and you feel like treating yourself, so you decide to order breakfast in your room for the following morning. Why not? You fill out the menu checkboxes… Let’s see now: granola, toast, coffee, some fruit. Maybe a juice. That will do nicely.
You hang the menu on the door outside, but later a knock at the door brings bad news: You can only order a maximum of three items for breakfast. What? That’s crazy… but no amount of arguing will change their rules. Yet you really don’t want to choose just three of your five items. So what do you do? The answer is simple: you pay for a second hotel room so you can order a second breakfast.
Welcome to the world of overprovisioning.
Overprovisioning = Inefficiency
Overprovisioning is the act of deploying – and paying for – resources you don’t need, usually as a compromise to get enough of some other resource. It’s a technical challenge which results in a commercial or financial penalty. More simply, it’s just inefficiency.
The history of Information Technology is full of examples of this as well as technologies to overcome it: virtualization is a solution designed to overcome the inefficiency of deploying multiple physical servers; containerisation overcomes the inefficiency of virtualising a complete operating system many times… it’s all about being more efficient so you don’t have to pay for resources you don’t really need.
In the cloud, the biggest source of overprovisioning is the way that cloud resources like compute, memory, network bandwidth, storage capacity and performance are packaged together. If you need one of these in abundance, the chances are you will need to pay for more of the others regardless of whether they are required or not.
Overprovisioning = Compromise
As an example, at the time of writing, Google Cloud Platform’s pd-balanced block storage options provide 6 read IOPS and 6 write IOPS per GB of capacity:
Consider a 1TB database with a reasonable requirement of 30,000 read IOPS during peak load. To build a solution capable of this, 5000GB (i.e. 5TB) of capacity would need to be provisioned… meaning 80% of the capacity is wasted!
Worse still, the “Read IOPS per instance” row of the table tells us that some of the available GCP instance types may not be able to hit our 30,000 requirement, meaning we may have to (over)provision a larger virtual machine type and pay for cores and RAM that aren’t necessary (by the way, I’m not picking on GCP here, this is common to all public clouds).
But the real sucker punch is that, if this database is licensed by CPU cores (e.g. Oracle, SQL Server) and we are having to overprovision CPU cores to get the required IOPS numbers, we now have to pay for additional, unwanted – and very expensive – database licenses.
Overprovisioning = Overpaying
Let’s not imagine that this is a new phenomenon. If you’ve ever over-specced a server in your data centre (me), if you’ve ever convinced your boss that you need the Enterprise Edition of something because you thought it would be better for your career prospects (also me), or if you’ve ever spent £350 on a thermal imaging camera just so you can win an argument about whether you need a new front door (I neither admit nor deny this) then you have been overprovisioning.
It’s just that the whole nature of cloud computing, with it’s self-service, on-demand, limitlessly-scalable charateristics make it so easy to overprovision things all the time. So while the amounts may seem small when shown on the cloud provider’s Price per hour list, when you multiply them by the number of VMs, the number of regions and the number of hours in a year, they start to look massive on your bill.
And when you consider the knock on effects on database licensing, things really get painful. But let’s save that for the next blog post…
Ready to start paying for only the cloud resources you use? Contact us here at Silk to get a demo of the Silk Platform
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on FlashDBA.com and has been reprinted here with the author’s permission.