How To Successfully Turn Your Database-Backed Software into a SaaS Offering

You’ve cornered the market with your company’s product. But in order to stay ahead of the competition, it’s important to modernize, to take advantage of new technologies, to stay on the cutting edge. One way to do that is by morphing your cornerstone product into a SaaS offering.

But is your product ready? The first roadblock you need to overcome is the daunting task of data migration from on-prem to the cloud. And if your product’s software runs on a heavy database like Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server, there might be a few hiccups you need to overcome first before you can push a SaaS offering out into the market.

In this ebook, we’ll:

  • Look at the benefits of providing a SaaS offering
  • Explore roadblocks that you will need to overcome
  • Explain how the Silk Data Virtualization Platform can help you reach the finish line.
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