Increase DevOps Throughput

There is no doubt that speed is the new currency in our software-driven enterprises. For about a decade now, we have invested in automating the manual tasks in the software release process and maturing our CI/CD practices. However, what you put through the pipe is just as impactful to speed as the automated pipeline itself. This is why managing data during the DevOps lifecycle has become a serious challenge to both DevOps throughput and agile velocity. In this paper, we’ll:

  • Explore how a Cloud Data Platform impacts DevOps by delivering real-time access to your complete data layer without refactoring for hybrid, multi-cloud environments
  • Highlight how a Cloud Data Platform significantly impacts OPEX by eliminating manual tasks and increasing data efficiency
  • Introduce the Silk Cloud Data Platform for accelerating DevOps release cycles and reducing the risk of running business-critical applications in cloud-agnostic environments
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