With Silk on Google Cloud Platform, you can boost performance and allow Google Cloud to do what it does best. Provision your applications on Google Cloud as needed and make the most out of your cloud infrastructure. Cut your cloud bill but keep growing like crazy. Silk makes life in Google Cloud easy.
Run any workload at top speed
and scale automatically
No more worrying about downtime for your customers
Optimize your database
footprint and compute while
reducing licensing costs
Silk makes it possible to decouple capacity from performance. All while taking advantage of enterprise data cloud services such as deduplication, data reduction, thin provisioning, and zero-footprint clones.
If your databases generate a wide array of IO sizes, you might worry that this will clog the flow of data and hinder their performance in the Google Cloud. But Silk’s patent-protected technology allows for consistent low latency and high performance completely independent of Read/Write block size or pattern. No matter what your applications and workloads consist of – whether OLTP or BI, AI or machine learning – you’ll get the same consistent experience for your databases in Google Cloud.
Run up to 10x faster and
shorten run time
Avoid inconsistency and
performance degradations
Support constantly
changing workloads
Avoid waste
of IOPS provisioning